
Dear Fall, I'm so happy to see you. I know you just got here but I really want you to stay a while.

Dear Spiders, You are not welcome in my house.

Dear Healthy Choice Fudge Bars, You are the yummiest (& healthiest treat) I've had in a long time.

Dear Car, Wash yourself.

Dear Gym, I'll see you in a while. I'm going to play outside more- before it's too late!

Dear TJ Maxx, See you tomorrow for our weekly visit.

Dear Fantasy Football team, Please stop sucking...pretty please.

Dear Cutest husband, I love you. You can be a messy little thing but I still love ya.


To: My love...these two years have gone by too fast

Two years. That's how long Cardy and I have been married. Tuesday was our wedding anniversary and I'm so amazed at how fast these last couple of years have already gone by. The last two years have been incredible, life has thrown a couple curve balls, but together we're happy. Cardy keeps me laughing daily and no matter how our day goes I know he is here to hold me at night. I can't imagine my life without him and although we've been together as a couple for many, many years, I truly cherish the bonds and memories we've created as a married couple.

On Tuesday I can home to flowers and champagne. We had found some leftover champagne from our wedding and decided to hang on to it for our anniversary. The traditional two year gift is cotton. Yes, cotton...weird, I know. Although I would be thrilled with new bedding, towels and clothes (googled suggestions), I knew Cardy wouldn't. Amazingly enough we both came up with creative ways to use the bag of cotton balls from the bathroom drawer. Before I left for work (I'm up waaayyy before Cardy) I made a cotton ball trail from the bed, all the way down the stairs, and into the kitchen where I left him a little love note and a gift. When I came home from work and saw my flowers, Cardy had made a heart on the table out of cotton balls. Later that night we went downtown and completed our celebration at Donovan's Steak House where we scored Kyle Korver's personal table!
It was a fabulous day. I love having the day to celebrate us and our love for each other. That cute Cardy....he's a keeper!


It's Game Time

Our fantasy football draft 2009 just happened. 9 guys & me. I actually feel pretty honored and proud they all consider me knowledgeable and legit enough to play in the big leagues (or maybe it's because I feed them really good food on Draft Day?). I'm excited about my team this year, I think I'm competitive. I'm playing Cardy for week 1 - we're calling it Godina Bowl 2K9.